2 Weken Wandelen in 1 shirt, Kan Dat? Mijn Ervaring met Merinowol van Dilling

Ik transpireerde altijd al snel en veel tijdens sporten en bewegen, en zowel overgewicht als overgang hebben dat er de laatste jaren bepaald niet beter op gemaakt.

Zo zie ik er uit na een uurtje bergop lopen in de Serra da Lousa in Portugal –>

Oververhit, met zoutplekken in mijn shirt!

Bezweet en rood aangelopen tijdens een bergwandeling

Bergen was in mijn tas na een weekendje wandelen

Voorheen wandelde, sportte en danste ik in katoenen shirts. Die dragen namelijk een stuk fijner dan benauwde polyester varianten waarin ik al ga zweten als ik stil zit.

Na de sportschool, of de dansles gingen die shirts linea recta de wasmand in. Ze waren drijfnat en stonken (na het opdrogen) naar zweet.

Gevolg: de wasmachine draaide overuren als ik lekker veel bewoog.

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Combining Work and Travel – My 5 Weeks in Athens

After months of walking in circles around my home, I was ready for a change of scenery.

After a winter of combined work and travel in Thailand and Indonesia, I didn’t have the funds for a long holiday, so I started planning a ‘workation’.

What the heck is a Workation?

It combines the words work and vacation, and that’s what it means.

You continue to do your work but from a ‘holiday destination’.

You work remotely in a fresh environment, so when you finish your work hours, you have time to explore the city, visit a museum, hike in nature, or go to the beach.

I go on workations multiple times a year. On my other blog, Nomadic Earnings, I tell you how I do that: My Story: Combining Work and Wanderlust

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My Daily Goal: Hiking for Mental Health

Walking improves my mood almost immediately.

It’s not just for physical fitness and building up strength, that I challenge myself to go on a daily walk.

No matter how down or stressed I feel, a good stroll always lifts my spirit.

Simply walking in my own neighborhood already gives me clarity of thought and peace of mind most of the time. But if I manage to plan a long beach walk into my schedule, the stress-reducing effect of my hike is way stronger.

 Also read: Does walking help with depression?

Yesterday at the beach was brilliant! First sunny day after weeks of heavy rain…

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Using Instagram as a Habit Tracker

Well, I’ve tried. I thought posting pictures of my daily walks on Instagram would keep me more motivated. I even managed to create 83 of my planned #365hikeschallenge posts.

This is post 83/365 – a picture of a beautiful tree in Athens, Greece, taken on my way to the produce market on Saturday.

This picture was taken on the 27th of May. Today is the 3rd of September. What happened?

I was already waiting several months for surgery, trying very hard to stay as fit as possible while waiting.

End of May I got a phone call telling me that there was a 5-week delay. My motivation tanked below zero. I was sick 5 out of 7 days for weeks in a row already, and tired of waiting.

Whenever I did have the energy I walked around the block, but my daily walks weren’t about exploring nature or a new city anymore, just exercise.

Day 83 of using Instagram as habit tracker for my daily walk. Beautiful tree in Athens, Greece.

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My Daily Walk – My Fitness Challenge Week 1&2

First things first: I didn’t break the chain, but made my daily walk every single day for the last 16 days. I am so proud of myself! I know it is very early in this challenge, but without committing myself to it, I probably would have walked just 9 days out of 16. There was a lot going on in my life.

Goal Setting and Actual Planning Are Key

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How can I use Hiking as Exercise?

Cartoon of me writing down GOALS

This question popped up in my head a few months ago, while feeling desperate with my own exhaustion and my painful legs. The gym was closed due to a Covid-19 lockdown, and I was literally out of breath in 2 minutes. I didn’t even make it to the grocery store, let alone the beach – which is located a 20-minute walk from my house. Hiking beautiful and long nature paths felt way out of reach.

But what if I would use walking as my exercise to become fit again?

I decided to create a Training Plan focused on Hiking.

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