Hi there, it’s Kadanza from The Netherlands!
My whole life, I took a walk when I felt stuck.
When I didn’t know how to shape my future in my early twenties, I flew to Nepal with minimal preparation
and absolutely no hike training and went trekking in the Himalayas for nearly 3 months. Quite drastic, looking back. But it worked out that first time, and it did again all the other times that I put my hiking shoes on and just started to walk.
For the last 20 years I have lived near the beach, so at least 3 times a week you can find me strolling there, right after breakfast or during my lunch break. Walking at least 10.000 steps a day was my normal. During hiking or city trips, I walked a lot more steps a day.
Then Covid-19 came and hit me hard.
Because of Long-Covid, I couldn’t hike for months.
Walking the stairs to my apartment got me completely out of breath, grocery shopping was too much effort, I was exhausted all the time, suffered from brain fog and headaches, my muscles felt sore and weak, and to make matters worse I developed serious edema, so walking became very painful.
While my health deteriorated, I gained 22 kilos, due to emotional eating combined with being a sudden couch potato…
With fascia therapy, energy management, and a healthy and clean food regime, I slowly got over my long-covid symptoms. But my stamina and fitness still were nowhere to be found. Then, one day, I just had enough. At the beginning of October 2021, I made a vow to myself:
I am getting my vitality back, by hiking!
I had to start all over again. A 15-minute walk in the first week drained all my energy. So I decided 2 things:
- Every improvement counts, even the smallest step forward is a victory, as long as I keep on going. If I do 100 steps more today than I did yesterday, I will call it a win.
- I am not going to do this alone. I am going to create a community of hiking buddies, on my path back to health and happiness. For accountability, sure, I know myself. I am not very disciplined. But mostly, because it is more fun, sharing goals, getting fit, and walking together with friends.
I share my hiking pitfalls, victories, tips, and stories here.
I know how it feels to start from scratch, not knowing if you ever get your stamina back. The silent desperation. The feeling of giving up, because it seems just too much effort…
I hope you find the information, motivation, or inspiration here to hike yourself back to health. This way I am able to expand the hiking- buddy- community online. Feel free to contact me with comments or questions.
You never walk alone! 
All the best,